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I'll be there provided that no unforeseen issue presents itself.
I'll bring my meshtastic
Our next event is at Para Wirra. The corner of Humbug Scrub Road and Bassnet Road car park.

Start time 9am as usual but feel free to arrive early.

Sausage breakfast and coffee available lovingly cooked by VK5GM.

Bring a radio, something to sit on or just came along for the meeting.

Email VK5MCH@VK5.AU with your intention to attend.
Promoting Amateur Radio / Re: WANTED: Your ideas on prom...
Last post by VK5MCH - Oct 10, 2024, 11:14 AM
I wonder how this new resource would have helped said girl in post #8 or guy in post #12 above.

It's all well and good for the WIA to try and help boost the numbers by building a separate education website, but if we have dickheads sitting on the side drilling people for getting their callsign wrong or getting the callsign sequence wrong on their first go on air, what's the point?????

It's fairly easy to get a foundation licence these days and deliberately so, it's then up to the rest of us to help the new licencees move up if they want to or make them feel comfortable enough to want to hang around, not piss them off and embarrass them to the point where they leave.

Getting them a licence isn't the problem, VK5PH is doing a great job, 51 so far this year I believe. Keeping them is the problem. I can only imagine what the people who got bounced in post #8 and #12 above has told everyone they know about the welcome received. Great advertising.
Promoting Amateur Radio / Re: WANTED: Your ideas on prom...
Last post by VK5AAD - Oct 09, 2024, 11:15 PM
Quote from: VK5AV on Oct 09, 2024, 10:14 PMFeel free to take a look at this resource, work in progress.

The WIAs Education Committee have launched their own website...

By why in a separate domain?  Why not something like since the WIA already owns and uses the domain. The domain has reasonably strong controls on registrations, and this is a legit site, but creating names like this which include the name of a know company or organisation is a common tactic of scammers. Finally, why include social media links (Instagram, X and Facebook) on each page which go to those of the (presumably) hosting provider, SquareSpace, and not of the WIA?

For me, a relatively new amateur and even newer WIA member it gives the appearance of the Education Committee having to go around internal WIA obstacles - ie not a united organisation.     
Promoting Amateur Radio / Re: WANTED: Your ideas on prom...
Last post by VK5AV - Oct 09, 2024, 10:14 PM
Feel free to take a look at this resource, work in progress.

The WIAs Education Committee have launched their own website with a dual purpose in mind:
· firstly, to promote amateur radio generally, and lead a person logically through the various steps required to achieve an amateur radio Foundation qualification, and;
· to act as an information resource for WIA-affiliated clubs and individuals, so educational tools and resources relevant to amateur radio in Australia are easy to find and relevant.
Although still a 'work in progress', there's quite a lot to see at:
In the club section, you will find new 'Educational Frameworks' for the Foundation, Standard, and Advanced qualifications.
These Frameworks have been developed to help trainers deliver all the information required to pass knowledge assessments for each of the three grades.
The syllabi for each grade have been rearranged into more logical and consistent 'frameworks', and some new content has been added where appropriate.
It is hoped these 'educational frameworks' will form the basis of a syllabus update by the ACMA.
In the club section you will also find a collection of well-proven training resources that your club could use in its training programs. There is a set of proven Foundation grade PowerPoint training slides kindly contributed by Fred Swainston VK3DAC.
One of the questions in the recent survey sent to affiliated-club Presidents and Secretaries asked if their club had developed well proven educational materials that could be shared.
Some of those materials may be placed on this website in the future for the benefit of other clubs.
And finally, we have developed an EMR flowchart tool which, together with an RSGB calculator and a new PowerPoint presentation, will help Australian radio amateurs meet their EMR compliance responsibilities.
Keep an eye out for the EMR tool appearing on the website after its release at the REAST Hobart conference, the first weekend in November.
So, take a look at the new Education Committee website and let us know what you think. If you like it – tell the world; If you don't – tell us.
APRS & Packet Radio / Re: Meshtastic
Last post by VK5TOM - Oct 06, 2024, 04:33 PM
Like CB in the fact that anyone can join and chat.

Aslong as you have the correct hardware, firmware loaded, correct antenna and the app on the phone you can join the mesh and chat.
APRS & Packet Radio / Re: Meshtastic
Last post by VK5KKS - Oct 06, 2024, 03:52 PM
So, a bit like CB but neither 477mhz or 27mhz?
APRS & Packet Radio / Re: Meshtastic
Last post by VK5TOM - Oct 06, 2024, 09:52 AM
They share a chat channel in common each node is a repeater its a mesh network.
APRS & Packet Radio / Re: Meshtastic
Last post by VK5TM - Oct 06, 2024, 09:26 AM
The one in the middle of the Happy Valley Reservoir has me intrigued  ???