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APRS & Packet Radio / Re: Meshtastic
Last post by VK5KKS - Oct 05, 2024, 10:57 PM
I had to Google meshtastic as I have never heard of it. I looked at the map, now I have to ask, what are these 'nodes' actually doing, what do they share in common?
You lose half a mark because you didn't straighten the elements  :D

(Just roll the wire between two flat bits of wood)
WICEN South Australia / WICEN SA News for 6th October ...
Last post by VK5ZAR - Oct 05, 2024, 10:15 PM
WICEN SA News for 6th October 2024
This is the transcript from the WICEN SA news segment broadcast on the VK5 Sunday broadcast on 6th October 2024

A reminder for tonight Sunday 06th October 2024 the WICEN S.A. Net will be held at 20:00hrs Local time utilizing the Adelaide Linked Repeater Network and we look forward to chatting to you all on the Net tonight
For further clarification please visit the WICEN S.A. Facebook Page for further details regarding this broadcast and WICEN S.A. events updates.

Our next WICEN S.A. Social Get Together on Saturday 23rd November 2024 where the guest speaker will be the CEO / State Manager of South Australia for Disaster Relief Australia which is a National based Organisation and how WICEN S.A. may assist Disaster Relief Australia in the Operations and Deployment of Equipment which is all Digital Based and is an exciting opportunity for WICEN S.A. and our Volunteers.   So put the date it in your diary's now Saturday 23rd November for the next WICEN S.A. Social Get Together.  We look forward to your attendance on the day and the social chit chat and interaction that occurs on the day.
As always a free complimentary BBQ Sausage Sizzle and Soft Drinks will be provided on the day to all in attendance.
This has been David VK5LSB and on behalf of the WICEN S.A. Committee saying thank you for listening and looking forward to volunteering alongside of you all at the next event.
Cheers all and Stay Safe 73.
WICEN South Australia / Re: WICEN S.A. Newsletter – Oc...
Last post by VK5MCH - Oct 05, 2024, 03:47 PM
Thanks Arno I'm looking forward to the field day. Has there been any decisions made as to what the day will be centred around?
Promoting Amateur Radio / Re: WANTED: Your ideas on prom...
Last post by VK5MCH - Oct 05, 2024, 01:45 PM
I have just heard of a guy who got his licence in August, went out and bought a nice new FT891 and an antenna tuner with antenna looking forward to long lasting hobby in amateur radio. Now remember this guy has never spoken on a radio. He gets on air for his first time and promptly get chewed out by some miserable old bastard with nothing better to do. He has now given up amateur radio and is selling all the gear.

I cannot see any point in promoting this as a hobby if some old shite head is going to undo the work being done by people who want to keep this alive, trainers, examiners, helpers, mentors, club presidents etc if this BS of hammering Foundation members is allowed to continue. To the person who hammered this guy, you sound like a real piece of work, have fun doing that did you? Thanks for nothing and ruining all the effort this guy put into study and exams and wasting the trainers and examiners time.
APRS & Packet Radio / Re: Meshtastic
Last post by VK5MCH - Oct 05, 2024, 01:35 PM
I will have one or two up soon. You wont be so lonely then.
WICEN South Australia / Re: WICEN S.A. Newsletter – Oc...
Last post by VK5TOM - Oct 05, 2024, 01:29 PM
Thanks for that Arno, looking forward to the WICEN field day next year!
Projects DIY / Re: VK2AN ICOM Arduino Based K...
Last post by VK5TOM - Oct 05, 2024, 01:27 PM
Looks good Mick, I was playing with civ on an arduino a few years ago and I believe the cable I made for it is still there in a shoe box somewhere.

I'll have to dig it out and put the software on it.
APRS & Packet Radio / Re: Meshtastic
Last post by VK5TOM - Oct 05, 2024, 01:24 PM
Responding to my own thread since nobody else appears interested......

Of my testing with my lora32 mounted in a box at the top of a small mast with a groundplane antenna out of the top, theres heaps of nodes and repeaters all over Adelaide.

Here is a map website I found.
Projects DIY / Re: VK2AN ICOM Arduino Based K...
Last post by VK5MCH - Oct 05, 2024, 08:37 AM
I have made contact with the original author Peter Elekessy VK2AN and he has replied with the following.

Some issues have come up already with the Arduino development environment (IDE) and libraries required as follows:

1. The "Softwareserial" library does not need to be installed, as it is built in to the IDE now when you select the appropriate board. The declaration still needs to be left in the code.

2. The latest "PS2Keyboard" library by Paul Stoffregren etc. seems to have lost the Ascii definitions for the F keys (why do they do this stuff?). I have attached a "PS2Keyboard.h" that should be used in place of the one that comes with the library, but I am thinking it may be easier to manually install the correct library in the IDE rather than downloading the latest one. If anyone wants a copy of this, please let me know.

Anyway, good luck with it and let me know how you go. I am also developing a version that will drive my Watkins Johnson receiver - a Yaesu version would also be possible, so I think this may just be the beginning of a very useful accessory. Another user is working on a version to use the same keyboard to drive a number of different Icom rigs by changing CI-V addresses on the fly.