AREG Presentation Friday the 17th of May

Started by VK5SFA, May 12, 2024, 02:05 PM

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Hi this is Steve VK5SFA for the Amateur Radio Experimenters Group.

Hopefully by now, you would be aware, that at the May monthly meeting, I will be doing a presentation on my adventures in establishing Low Frequency right through to Ultra High Frequency remote amateur radio site.

It has taken me 18 months to get to where I am today, and I would like to share with you all the way I failed my way to success!  Believe me, there were a lot of failures!

The presentation will run for approximately 2 hours, as there are many facets of this exciting project to discuss.
There is a lot of detail, some of which will be how to set up a Virtual Private Network without any third parties being involved and no ongoing fees.
Also, I will talk about how to remote control FLEX and ICOM transceivers, as well as setting up your very own Software Defined Receiver, which you could share with the world if you so desire.

During the presentation, I will be talking about site establishment, antenna systems, how to sensationalize antennas that are too long for amateur radio frequency bands, remote control, setting up secure reliable internet, all the equipment required, and my latest addition, a steerable LF, MF and HF receiving antenna array which will just amaze you in its capability of reducing noise.

This will be your last chance, so trust me when I tell you, that this is the one presentation you will not want to miss, as you will never see anything like it again!

For security reasons, there will be no YouTube or recording of the presentation, and I will be only presenting it this once.

So, save the date: Friday the 17th of May at the Fulham Gardens Community Centre, Phelps Court, Fulham. Doors open 7PM with the presentation kicking off at 7:30PM sharp.

There will be a short business meeting after the presentation.

Coffee and tea facilities are available for a gold coin donation.

Visitors are most welcome. AREG members may attend either in person or via Zoom.

So, tell your friends and make a night of it.  Many people go out for dinner at nearby restaurants and hotels before the meeting.  Just make sure you book and eat early enough to be at the hall by the 7:30PM deadline.  I really hope to see you there!