Strong signal every 30khz on HF

Started by VK5KKS, Jul 27, 2024, 05:43 PM

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Hello fellow radio heads. I have a strong signal that's approximately every 30khz across HF. It's S9 on 7130khz, 7100khz and 7070khz. It's everywhere, like a rash! It's not coming from my house and a friend about 10km NNE from me can hear it as well.

Have a listen and let me know where you are and how strong the signal is.


Not that this info will be of use to you, but a recent encounter I had with what seemed to a unresolvable issue with interference, turned out to be the proximity of my Smart watch to my receiver.


There's so much interference on all bands these days its a miracle we can hear anything. I have a constant issue on 6m with a bogus signal every 48KHz across the whole band. Signal is arriving from the NW of me, but can be nulled out by turning my beam.
President, South East Radio Group