WICEN SA News for 21st July 2024.

Started by VK5ZAR, Jul 20, 2024, 09:37 PM

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WICEN SA News for 21st July 2024.
This is the transcript from the WICEN SA news segment broadcast on the VK5 Sunday broadcast on 21st July 2024

WICEN S.A. is in urgent need for a person to fulfill the Role of Secretary in the organization. The role itself is not over demanding or arduous as we meet monthly as a committee and using our Zoom account for the meetings so you can fulfill the role in the comfort of your own home.  So what are you waiting for and why don't you put your hand up to be part of the dynamic and progressive WICEN S.A. Committee and Team. For further information or to express your interest please contact David VK5LSB via email VK5LSB@wia.org.au 

The Next WICEN S.A. Social Get Together will be held next Saturday 27th July with doors opening at 10.00am for coffee and chat and official proceedings commencing at 10.30am down at the Scouts S.A. Adventurous Activities Centre which is located at Anderson Avenue North Glenelg.

There will be a presentation by Mr. Peter Jung VK5JP who is also the Wireless Institute Of Australia National Technical Adviser for C4FM who will be talking on the hidden features of the Yaesu FTM 500 DR.
Peter will also be able to present on the new version of the FTM500 DR as there are two units out there now. Yaesu have been able to supply the new unit in time to Peter for the presentation on the day. Peter VK5JP will also provide a general talk and discussion on what to expect from Yaesu Equipment and we will finish off with a free complimentary BBQ Sausage Sizzle, Soft Drinks etc., and no Amateur or guest will go home Hungry or Thirsty on the day.
We look forward to your attendance on the day and the social chit chat that occurs on the day.
We thank Scouts S.A. for providing the excellent facilities for our use.

The MSS Safety Barossa Rally which is being held over the 19th to the 20 October up in the Barossa Valley Region and Surrounds.

The committee of WICEN S.A. would like to thank all of the wonderful volunteers who have registered for this event and we are pleased to announce that all positions have now been filled at this present time. If you would like to come along and see what our Volunteers do in the field or perhaps to go on the reserve list (to cover illness etc) for Ham Radio Operators to assist in this event and we look forward to hearing from you if you can assist.
A fuel re-imbursement contribution will be provided to all volunteers who assist with this event
You can register for this event by contacting the President of WICEN S.A. via the contacts links of the WICEN S.A. Webpage, just Google us or check WICEN S.A. out on Facebook Page.
Also, you can register on the Rally S.A. Website and just Google for Rally S.A. and click on the register link, and click on WICEN Volunteer Link.

Don't forget Sunday 04Th August 2024 the WICEN S.A. Net will be held at 20:00hrs Local time utilizing the Adelaide Linked Repeater Network and we look forward to chatting to you all on the Net. So put these dates into your diaries now.
For further clarification please visit the WICEN S.A. Facebook Page for further details regarding this broadcast and WICEN S.A. events updates.

This has been David VK5LSB and on behalf of the WICEN S.A. Committee saying thank you for listening and looking forward to volunteering alongside of you all at the next event and seeing you at our next WICEN S.A. Social Get Together next Saturday 27th July, Cheers all and Stay Safe 73.