Next Project Horus Launch – Horus 60 – Sunday 20th August

Started by VK5PH, Aug 19, 2023, 05:10 PM

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Now targeting a 20th August launch from Mt Barker. The current flight path predictions have the payloads landing to the east of Tailem Bend.

If the launch site weather is very poor, we may just perform a 'mini' launch, with just a single Horus Binary payload (VI25AREG, 434.200 MHz). This will be decided on arrival at the launch site. If you don't hear anything on the SSTV or Wenet frequencies then this is likely what we've done! If we go with the mini-launch option, then we will try again for the 'full' launch on the following weekend (27th August).

This launch is currently planned to be performed from the Mt Barker High School Oval with the launch team arriving on site from around 9:00 AM. Note that access to the oval is via Stephenson street, and parking near the oval is extremely limited.
Checkout the Ironstone Range Receive Site
There are currently 3 Kiwi Sdrs connected to a 12m high duoconical antenna.


This image RX'd at 34.8ks by yours truly at PF94gr. 1/2 inch copper Slim Jim at around 7m agl into TS-2000. MMSSTV


Excellent signals into Millicent. I did find 2 telemetry signals near each other, one around 434.200 and the other around 434.210. I use an Icom IC9100. I was a bit confused and was uploading the data on 434.19 ish but changed about 2/3 through the flight to the 434.210ish. I was using USB.
I could still decode the signals when the blue line was just north of Robe (about 75km NNW in line with Mt Barker from me). I was pretty pleased with the RF side of things.
Thanks for the experiment AREG.
John V5DJ

PS Tim VK5AV received some excellent SSTV


Hi All,
      I made it up to Mt Barker just before the launch and I was most impressed by the speedy setup of the balloon and associated payload. Well worth a look - good work. Excellent photo received by one of our Southern brethren.
Checkout the Ironstone Range Receive Site
There are currently 3 Kiwi Sdrs connected to a 12m high duoconical antenna.


Received the same SSTV photo using MMSSTV at PF95GC. I was using icom IC-275H (no pre-amp) and 4 x 9 element LFA yagis ...


Hi folks
I was present at the launch. See my report on
I was impressed.
John D