Exploring the Universe From Your Backyard

Started by VK5PH, Aug 16, 2023, 08:48 PM

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Hi All
Come along to the AHARS meeting this Thursday 17th August at the Blackwood Uniting Church at 1930 and find out about Exploring the Universe From Your Backyard.

Dr Kym Thalassoudis the immediate past president of the Astronomical Society of South Australia will outline the methods of taking high quality astronomical photographs from your own back yard.

https://www.scienceweek.net.au/event/exploring-the-universe-from-your-backyard/blackwood/ for more detail.


Checkout the Ironstone Range Receive Site   http://sdr.ironstonerange.com:8073
There are currently 3 Kiwi Sdrs connected to a 12m high duoconical antenna.


VK5TOM and myself will be there. Thank you for the invite Paul.




What a great talk by Kym and he is such a good speaker. I can see some money being spent on telescopes now.
Thanks again Paul.


I can only agree with Mick, that Kym is an excellent speaker and his presentation was brilliant!  Yes, more things to spend some of the retirement funds on!
John  (VK5RJ)
AHARS President


Kym has provided the following links to web sites and places with interesting information for anybody to follow up.

Cloudy Nights Forum on Electronically Assisted Astronomy
This forum also includes excellent Beginner Guides and other useful links.
YouTube — simply search for EAA or Electronically Assisted Astronomy
Deep Sky Astrophotography with CMOS Cameras by Dr Robin Glover
Dr Glover presents the technical side of managing astro-image noise including from light pollution.
ZWO ASIAir Plus Intro (one of many videos on YouTube)
The ASIAIR is a revolution in simplifying astronomical imaging including Live Stacking of astro-images.
Is this robot taking my job? | astrophotography shoot out!
A fun video demonstrating the capability of the Stellina — an early robotic telescope.
Free Monthly Maps of the Night Sky (The Evening Sky Map):
John  (VK5RJ)
AHARS President


And further from Kym:

Finally, given the high level of interest in the general community and from AHARS members last night, I am considering how best to further share this knowledge via in-person events. This will likely take the form of a series of short talks on specific aspects — rather than trying to squeeze everything into one presentation — plus live demonstration sessions that include side-by-side visual vs electronic observing. AHARS members interested in the above can register their interest by sending me an email at: info@EnjoytheStars.com I'll get back to them once information is available.
John  (VK5RJ)
AHARS President


Thanks for posting those links. I wasn't able to be at the meeting (currently doing Fred Swainston's course each Thursday night), so at least I can read that online content.